FCA will be selling another round of BE THE LIGHT t-shirts. If you would like to place an order, please do so by THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH at: https://bit.ly/FCABETHELIGHT. Please make checks payable to Deshler FCA.
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Be the Light
Winter Sports Mtgs for HS student athletes....boys' basketball at 3 PM today (Mon) in Mr. Nash's room; girls' basketball mtg on Tue at 3:30 PM in the HS conference room; HS wrestling on Wed at 3 PM in HS conference room.
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Winter Sports
DPS's virtual book fair is coming Nov. 7th to the 20th! Save this link for shopping! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/deshlerpublicschool Watch for information for dating to classrooms coming soon!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Baden
The 2nd qtr edition of The Lair Lowdown has been pushed out to our subscribers. Check it out here: https://www.smore.com/9qdgc, and if you know of someone you think would like to receive this email quarterly (yourself or someone else), subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3Pp2IMR.
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Lair Lowdown
It is time to start thinking about your SECOND SEMESTER CLASSES. Jrs/Srs should read the letter here in regard to SCC registration, ACT test registration, FAFSA completion and more: https://bit.ly/SCC2NDSEMESTER
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
NHS and FCA are reminded they have Trunk or Treat on MON. Boys BB Open Gym on TUE/WED/THU. FFA Dist Livestock on WED. JH Choral Clinic & VB team attending State Tourn't on THU. https://bit.ly/DPSDAILYNEWS
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Oct 31  Page 1
Oct 31  Page 2
SAVE THE DATE Shop our Virtual Book Fair starting November 7th and support our school! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/deshlerpublicschool
about 2 years ago, Sarah Baden
Save The Date
Good luck to our VB team in subs on Mon & FFAers at National FFA! No elem'y band this week! Don't forget that Youth BB forms are due by TUE; that we have an early out (2 PM) on WED and K-12 PT CONF start at 3 PM on this night; regular day of school on THU, and NO SCHOOL ON FRI!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
PT Conferences
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Youth BB
Yesterday we visited the Reinsch Pumpkin Patch. The weather was perfect! The kids enjoyed holding cats and chasing them around as well as playing on the equipment and playing in the corn pit! Everyone came home with a pumpkin that they hand picked!
about 2 years ago, Tammi Brenn
am patch
pm patch
We recently introduced Handwriting Without Tears to the preschoolers, focusing on Mat Man. Mat Man is a Pre-K classroom character that embodies Learning Without Tears by using unique approach to drawing with multisensory activities and strategies that help young learners develop strong drawing and cognitive skills. Handwriting Without Tears® is a developmentally based program designed to progress a child's fine motor skills along with visual skills through fun and interactive activities.
about 2 years ago, Tammi Brenn
am mat man
pm mat man
Stretching out and strengthening the core was the name of the game in Mr. Nash’s weightlifting class today. Mr. Nash spends a LOT of extra time at the school as the A.D. — and it’s about to increase as the HS boys’ basketball coach! Thank you, Mr. Nash, for your dedication!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
The Plant Science class determined soil texture today using the ribboning method — which is also used at their FFA land judging contests. Lots of hands on learning going on in Mrs. Kroeger’s class today! Thank you, Mrs. Kroeger, for all you are doing with our ag students!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Ava and Trinity
D1-7 Sub-Dist VB in Shickley on Mon: Dragons v Heartland @ 6 PM. The winners of both Mon night games will play at 7 PM on Tue. Watch online at Shickley’s Striv channel: https://striv.tv/channel/shickley/. NO BALLOONS, NO NOISE MAKERS, NO PASSES. Dress western for the game!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
The Advanced Art students are working on some neat projects that will be on display at Fine Arts Night on Sun, Dec 4th. Make sure to mark your calendars to see their work, the one act and to listen to our K-12 sing at their concert. Thanks for all you do, Ms. Deepe! 🎨
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Nov 15th: TVC One Acts in Harvard. Public is invited to watch our students compete. TVC admission prices will be charged: $6.00 for Adults and $5.00 for Students. Deshler will be competing at 8:45 AM, but arrive by 8:30 AM to be safe! Concession stand is available!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
We have been painting the town PURPLE! Thank you to those who have supported our DPS music students! It's not too late to get your Dragon! We are taking orders until Wednesday, October 26th!
about 2 years ago, Amber Kendall
FINAL REMINDER: Wrestling orders for JH and HS are due by THU, OCT 20TH, when the JH starts practice. No practices on Wed nights for JH; athletes will leave after 8th period (2:53 PM) on Fridays for practice. Good luck to all of our wrestlers - HS practice info coming soon!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
wrestling shirts
The Lady Dragons defeated Friend in two and placed 3rd in the Silver Lake Tournament. Tonight concludes the regular season of volleyball. Sub-districts begin on Monday…and the theme is WESTERN! Get your Halloween costumes ready for Tuesday night. Let’s do this, Lady Dragons!
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
giddy up
The Lady Dragons fell to Axtell in two, and will now play Friend in the consolation game of the Silver Lake Tournament.
about 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Today the 2nd graders learned how water animals stay warm in the winter. Students created their own “ blubber glove”.
about 2 years ago, Mikayla Meyer
Chloe c