Talk about someone who is determined and prepared to be an elementary teacher...Jaz Fangmeyer is this week's Senior of the Week, and has a TON of her elementary education credits already completed as she heads to UNK this Fall. Way to have goals & reach them, Jaz!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
Sign up now for your 22-23 sports physicals for 7-12 on May 19/20 at Thayer Co Health Serv at the DESHLER clinic. Why? These are done for next year at only $35, the school provides transportation, AND all money paid goes back to our sports boosters!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
SIX WEEKS to get grades up & lots of activities...MON: Musical Choreography & Twilight Mt (ADMISSION CHARGED); TUE: JH Track & Golf Mts; WED: NSCAS Test for 7-12; THU: Golf @ RC & HS Track @ Deshler; FRI: NO SCHOOL OR ACTIVITIES. Read more at
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
FFA at state convention. Avery and Jayden receive the State FFA Degree. The Poultry team earns first place! Sam 2nd place in Ag Mechanics; Bryn 2nd place in Poultry; Colton 5th place in Poultry; Kaden 4th place in Welding.
almost 3 years ago, Ron Rickstrew
Earning the State FFA Degree
Poultry teams earns 1st place.
FFA at state convention.
The schedule of events for Monday’s Twilight Meet is attached on April 11th at 5 pm here in Deshler.
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
FCA wants to congratulate our 9 HS tracksters that all got PRs for the season at Tuesday’s meet in Franklin! Not pictured: Holden M and Jayden I. Way to go, Dragons!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
Impressive! Attached you will find pictures of our honor roll students, along with a list of the # of activities they are involved in. All of these students deserve a pat on the back, but especially those in multiple activities & still managing to pull off a very high GPA.
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
High Distinction
Honor Roll
District track t-shirts are available for sale through Friday, April 22nd, WITH PAYMENT. Please make your check out to DESHLER PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Pre-orders only - no extras will be ordered.
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
district track
Congratulations to the girls' track team on winning the Franklin Invite on Tuesday! Attached are the results of the meet along with some pictures. FCA is continuing to give Gatorades with a message for every season PR & there were several of them this week! Go Dragons!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
Health Rocks BINGO and Blackout Winners were: Dallyn, Ella, Klarissa, Kaleesha, Teagan and Makenna F.
almost 3 years ago, Hannah Kane
bingo winners
This morning, the 6th grade class celebrated completing their 12 weeks of the Health Rocks program. Health Rocks educates students on making positive choices, which includes staying drug, alcohol and tobacco free.
almost 3 years ago, Hannah Kane
2021-2022 Health Rocks class
#feelthelovefriday Mr. Mumm is “calm, cool and collected,” but he is also “hilarious” and has the “best jokes”! He is easy going but takes his science “very seriously.” Students say he knows his stuff and covers it very well - they give him an “A” for sure!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
Mumm and Nate
The Twilight Meet for Fri., Apr. 8th, has been postponed to MONDAY, APRIL 11TH, AT 5 PM IN DESHLER. Sorry for the inconvenience, but we are hoping for better weather. Please help us spread the word! REMINDER: Admission will be charged at track meets this year!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
FCA has concessions at the TVC Track Meet on Sat, Apr 30th; we DESPERATELY need adult volunteers to help with concessions. Please email if you can work a two-hour time slot anywhere from 8 AM - 6 PM. Many of our students are also track athletes!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
help needed
THIS IS IT! Your very last chance to order your JH and HS TVC track shirts for the meet on April 30th...your order must be in by 8 AM on Thu., Apr. 7th WITH MONEY. Please make your checks payable to Deshler FCA. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
With today’s early out AND it being a Wednesday, please note that JH and HS will have track practice right after school today. JH will be finished no later than 3 pm with their practice! TRACK MEET FOR TOMORROW HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO APRIL 20TH.
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
With today’s early out AND it being a Wednesday, please note that JH and HS will have track practice right after school today. JH will be finished no later than 3 pm with their practice!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
Good luck to Blake S., Gavin N., Kaden L., and Sam H. today at State FFA in their Mechanics competition! Tomorrow we will have welders competing and Friday, Livestock & Poultry Judging as well as State Degrees. Way to go, Deshler FFA!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley
state ffa
Congrats to the HS girls track team for placing first at the Franklin track meet!
almost 3 years ago, Audrey Parks
Franklin Meet
Reminder: Christy and Jake of Small Voices will be at DPS tomorrow to speak to 6th-12th graders and K-12 staff with their presentation called Digital Awareness, including digital citizenship and cyber bullying awareness. Don’t forget we have a 2 pm dismissal tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Epley