HIGH SCHOOL TRACK UPDATE: HS track practice will be held on 3/2/22 at 2 PM (early out) due to Ash Wednesday services for our students. JH TRACK UPDATE: Mtg on Tue., 3/8, during PE time for DLS/DPS JH students interested in track. JH practice will start on Mon., 3/14.
We kicked off Dr. Seuss week yesterday with a guest reader! Sarah Baden read us the book, What Was I Scared Of? It's a spooky and silly story about facing your fears! Thank you for taking time out of your day to read to us, Sarah!
DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS: If you haven't applied for the ACE scholarship & qualify (or think you qualify) for Free/Reduced lunches, fill it out with Mrs. Unruh. SRS: If you haven’t completed your FAFSA, get this done ASAP at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.
The BB and FCA students who signed up for the hockey trip will leave on Saturday at 4:30 PM for the Tri City Storm game in Kearney! Tickets have been purchased for those who ordered them. Wear your FCA shirts, grab some food before you get on the bus & let's have some fun!
“Beautiful Nebraska” sang by the first and second graders in this morning’s announcements started our day off right at DPS!
Save the date! Kindergarten Round Up! April 4th, 5:30 - 6:30 pm!
"Always ready, always there" is not only the motto of the National Guard, but the same words of advice that senior Brendan Rios has for underclassmen. Brendan is reliable and someone people have to come to trust. Thank you in advance for your service, Brendan!
From their fundraising efforts, Deshler HS BB players and FCA members are invited to go to a hockey game on Sat, Mar 5th in Kearney. THESE STUDENTS SHOULD FILL OUT THIS FORM BY 10 AM ON MON, FEB 28TH if you wish to have a ticket purchased for you: https://bit.ly/DPSHOCKEY
MON-31 athletes start HS track on 2/28, but it isn't too late if you still want to join! TUE-FFA and Show Choir events; WED-2 PM dismissal & Read Across America; THU-Dist Speech & Archery Duel in Nelson for Gr 4-12; SAT-FCA/BB Hockey Nt. Read more at https://bit.ly/DPSDAILYNEWS
Members promoted FFA on Friday of FFA week by displaying their logo shirts.
Many scholarships are due by 3/1 - check with your senior to make sure they have scholarships turned in, including those on the website of their chosen college! Graduation is only TEN WEEKS AWAY from this coming weekend! Is your senior ready? https://bit.ly/DPSSCHOLAR.
Deshler’s Purple Reign performed on Saturday in the Grand Island Show Choir Festival. This group has two performances left: Mar 1st at NCDA in Central City and Mar 9th at Harvard. Congratulations and best of luck in your upcoming performances, Purple Reign and Mrs. Pohlmann!
The Deshler FFA welding team got 5th as a team yesterday and has qualified for State FFA! Results show Sam receiving 1st, Adley receiving 6th, Kaden receiving 8th, and Cameron receiving 10th. The welding competition included MIG, Stick, TIG, and O/A. Great job, Deshler welders!
Chicken champions! This group placed first in FFA Poultry Judging yesterday, and they are headed to State FFA! Congrats to Colton, Makinna, Avery, Bryn, and Jayden and Mr. Rickstrew!
February 28th is the date that summer registration opens for SCC classes. Summer term begins on May 16th. Review the classes available and sign up if there is one that you need for your college or work at https://www.southeast.edu/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=40729.
Yesterday at Rising Stars we had a guest reader! Marge Holle from Gary Thompson Agency came and read the book "Fry Bread" ( A Native American Family Story) by Kevin Noble Maillard. Thank you, Marge for taking time out of your day to read to us. We enjoyed having you here!
The JH Quiz Bowl Team placed fourth out of 13 teams yesterday! Way to show off your intelligence, Dragons! Their next meet is on February 28th at Thayer Central.
DPS art students have some amazing skills! Thank you to Ms. Deepe for always sharing their talents with the rest of us!
It was a successful day at the TVC Speech Meet today for the Dragons! Every single student made finals…and MEDALLED!
Humorous Prose: Gracie H, 6th
and Jordan, 4th
Serious Prose: Danessa, 4th
Duet: Kira and Ava, 4th
Way to go, Dragons!
The DHS cheerleaders competed at the Nebraska Cheer State Championships in Grand Island on Friday, February 18. They had fun competing against teams from across the state! Good job, ladies!