We are currently experiencing issues with STRIV and our live broadcast of the Veterans Day Program at DPS. The recorded video will be uploaded following the program. Our sincere apologies for this.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please plan to attend our KSB Law Digital Citizenship Presentation with your child at 8:15 am (gr 6-8) or 9:15 am (gr 9-12) and stay for our Veterans Day program following at 10:30 am. The Veterans Day program is open to the public! #thankyouveterans
Makerspace with Dr. Z started this week! We had so much fun creating Christmas ornaments with 3D pens and making tracks for the ozobots to travel on!
The First Grade Class at Deshler Public School made forty-five cards for area Veterans, thanking them for their service.
American Math Competition 2021 is in the books! This has been taking place at DPS since the 1970s. Thank you, Mrs. Hansen, for continuing the tradition with HS students. Ms. Kendall will be testing the JH students in the same competition next semester.
DPS will NOT be attending the Lincoln High one act competition on Sat, Nov 20. They will be having practice on this date instead from 9 AM - 12 PM. REMINDER: Parents are encouraged to attend the 8:15 or 9:15 AM presentations tomorrow AND the Veterans Day to follow!
“That boy is TALL! I always see him and wonder how tall I am next to him!” — Cullen.
Thanks for making a little boy’s day, Gavin! It’s a great day to be a Dragon!
Reminder: 2:00 Out, Wed. Nov. 10th.
Veteran's Day Program, Thursday, Nov 11th, 10:30 AM
All Together Now Concert, Fri. 5:30 PM
Don't forget to save your pop tabs! The 3rd grade class is collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Omaha as our service project.
Yoga for the 8th period weights class today…or “things my body wasn’t meant to do” according to a few of the young men in class! Good work, Mr. Brenn and the weights class!
More scholarships added to the scholarship worksheet at https://bit.ly/DPSSCHOLAR. Most require the FAFSA Student Aid Report, but one to focus on...the Susan Thompson Buffet, up to $5500 per semester & renewable for 5 years! Write your essay EARLY & get it proofread!
A&P students putting together life size human skeletons.
A&P students putting together life size human skeletons.
JRS: Are your 2nd sem SCC classes showing up in The Hub? You should also register for the ACT before the required test in March, so that you know what to work on! Mtg on 11/18 during 2nd prd to check some boxes off! https://my.act.org/account/signin?location=https://my.act.org
SR PARENTS: Have you & your senior completed the FAFSA? If not, you should do so TODAY before colleges/scholarships ask for your Student Aid Report produced by FAFSA! Here is the checklist of what is needed: https://www.educationquest.org/pdfs/FAFSAchecklist.pdf
All parents/guardians should have received an email/text from Deshler Public Schools asking for your input on our school. Please complete this short survey today & note that we are surveying students separately. The link sent is for parents/guardians only! Thank you!
The FFA Chapter will be selling braids through Nov 30th; delivery to students is Dec 15th. Contact any of our local FFA members or use the link below to purchase them online. Thank you for your support! https://store.myfundraisingplace.com/0fd1fffe-c53f-4c97-98cf-d94a2fc9c0a4
ATTN: SENIORS...Please review the letter linked here https://bit.ly/DPSNOVLETTER as well as bookmarking the scholarship spreadsheet linked within the letter. FRI is the last day to withdraw from a dual credit class; 11/19 is the last day of LATE REGISTRATION for 12/11 ACT Test.
Reminders: Mon - BBB/Wrg Cond'g start; Tue - GBB Cond'g begins; Wed - Early Out (2 PM); Thu - Parents/Students to attend BOTH Dig Cit & Veterans Day Programs, JH Wrg needs to transport themselves after their meet; Fri - All Together Now at 5:30 PM (kids ready by 5:15 PM).
The first Friday of each month is I Love Public Schools Day, and DPS has some of the best!
Are you DPS Alumni? Share your message here on a staff member that made a difference in your life!
#feelthelovefriday #ilovepublicschools