Thank you to Mrs. Parks and the Communications class on wrapping up the February newsletter here: It is hard to believe that tomorrow is March already, AND the due date for IXLs in the secondary. March menus are attached!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Kindergarten Roundup! Save the Date for Monday, April 3rd from 5:30 to 6:30 for Kindergarten Roundup!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Baden
Monday,april 3rd 5:30 to 6:30 kindergarten round up
Stay in the loop... TODAY: HS Golf Mtg in the Conf Room during HR THU: GBB Team Mtg in the Conf Room during HR MON, MAR 13TH: JH track practice will start at 7:30 AM - mtg date to come! SAT, MAR 18TH: State Archery shooting times coming soon!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Senior Spotlight: Marieke Lenderink
almost 2 years ago, Audrey Parks
Marieke Spotlight
🏃MON: Track begins; HS golf mtg; JH Quiz Bowl 🌽TUE: FFA CDEs; Girls on the Run starts ⏰WED: 2 PM dismissal; HS Quiz Bowl 🥽THU: Welding in Beloit; College Stats Test; GOTR 🍎FRI: NHS Mtg Read more at: Qtr 3 ends Thu, 3/9; no school on 3/10.
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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As we celebrate the 3rd quarter coming to an end, we want to celebrate our staff! Sign up here to help provide a meal for our "Nacho Average Staff" next Thursday, March 9th:
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
DPS has openings in 1st and 5th grades, as well as secondary science and a head cook. Read more here: Send your resume and letter of interest to: Dr. Damon McDonald, Superintendent, at Join our team!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Friday brought another visit from Troy Kane to the band room -- where he led a game of musical jeopardy with our 7th-12th band and choir students! Thank you to Troy -- the kids are enjoying your visits!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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The show choir kids did great today at their first competition of the year in Grand Island. The judges were awesome and gave very positive feedback. Great job, Purple Reign!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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Sophomores stepped up at the career fair -- dominating the "dos" and "do nots" of resume building (1st - Taneal and Danessa), placing in the top 10 (pictured here) or winning the pull up challenge (Holden - 23!). They are pictured here with the Midwest Bank booth representatives.
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
winners 2
At the Thayer County Career Fair, DPS sophomores came dressed to impress, ready with their resumes, and learning about summer internships and potential future careers at that Stastny Center in Hebron. The future looks bright for them right here in Thayer County. Thank you, TCEDA!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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A day off for some wasn't a day off for all on Feb. 22nd...the DPS JH Quiz Bowl team and speech contestants spent the day competing! At the TVC Speech Meet, Jordan LeFave got 6th, and the OID team got 5th. Pictures of the speech contestants coming! Congratulations, Dragons!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
8th gr
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3rd grade learned more about the presidents included on Mount Rushmore to celebrate President's Day. We also created our own Mount Rushmore by trying to build the tallest or widest self-standing monument using tape and straws!
almost 2 years ago, Julia Schweitzer
3rd grade
3rd grade
3rd grade
A&P students learn about human brain anatomy while dissecting a sheep brain.
almost 2 years ago, Mr. LeFave
Danica removing the dura mater.
Danessa removing dura mater from the cranial nerves.
Good luck to our show choir students, Purple Reign, as they have their first show choir competition on Saturday in Grand Island. They had dress rehearsal today in preparation for this Saturday!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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Congrats to our Thayer Co Spelling Bee students. Danica O'Neal was the 8th gr winner of the $1000 scholarship; others who placed were: Logan Schmidt, 2nd in 8th gr, Makenna Freitag, 2nd in 7th, Spencer Foutch, 4th in 7th, Heston Vacek, 4th in 6th, Gage Tuma, 4th in 5th grade.
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
8th grade
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It's always fun helping your big sister practice spelling words at the After School Program!
almost 2 years ago, Jami O'Neal
ASP Spelling Practice
Senior Spotlight: Kaden Lanham
almost 2 years ago, Audrey Parks
Senior Spotlight: Kaden
⏰MON: Gr 5-8 Spelling Bee; FFA Wk 🏀TUE: BBB @ Friend 🛑WED: NO SCHOOL (Speech); JH Quiz Bowl 💼THU: 11th - ACT Pract Test, 10th at Career Fair; Sub Dist BBB 🌽FRI: FFA provide breakfast; 7-12 Home Room celebration 💃SAT: Show Choir (no speech mt)
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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Dr. Alber of UNK worked with our band students this morning, from 5th grade all the way up to 12th! Thank you to Dr. Alber and Mrs. Schardt for making this day happen!
almost 2 years ago, Dana Epley