DPS HS Music Students: We need to know TODAY if you plan to go on the Nashville trip from May 25-29th. All students were sent home with the form yesterday found at bit.ly/DPSMUSIC2023. We need to get the price locked in and the payment plans started!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Tonight is the night…the Sip and Snack VB Scrimmage at 5:30 pm. Come and watch your Lady Dragons in action and get a glimpse into their season. Admission is an individually wrapped snack or sports drink item for the team! Go Dragons! 💜💛💜
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
HS MUSIC STUDENTS will bring home a form for the 2023 Music Trip today & we are asking that parents sign up (or decline) by tomorrow, Fri, Aug 19th, so that we can get the trip finalized. Here is a link to the paper that we need to have signed: https://bit.ly/DPSMUSIC2023.
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
We are excited to see you back at school tomorrow! Breakfast starts at 7:30 am & the tardy bell rings at 8:05 am. Don’t forget your headphones! JHFB & VB will start on Mon, Aug 22nd at 7:30 am. JHXC will start practice tomorrow after school with HS XC - JH students can do BOTH!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Volleyball season is right around the corner. The team is hosting a sip or snack scrimmage this Friday at 5:30pm. Entry fee is prepackaged or individually wrapped snacks or sport drinks.
over 2 years ago, Audrey Parks
Final Copy
It isn't too late to order your 2022-2023 yearbook online for a discount! Type in the code: Dragons @ yearbookforever.com to buy a yearbook for the upcoming school year for $4 off! Code is only good for online sales today!
over 2 years ago, Dragon Yearbook
Buy a yearbook
DPS staff has been busy with staff meetings, health and safety requirements, interactive TV & transportation trainings, & so much more! We are excited to see our students and parents tonight at the Open House! Reminder - enter through the gym entry (7-12) or elementary (K-6)!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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5th Grade Students/Parents...reminder of our instrument display on Tue, Aug 16th, during the Open House! Please review the letter sent out here: https://bit.ly/5thGrBandDPS - we hope to see you tonight at DPS! Last names A through M come at 5:30 PM & N through Z at 6:30 PM.
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
The DPS Open House, from 5-7 PM, is TONIGHT: a free meal, sports mtg, new staff, 5th gr instrument display, renovations & more! We hope to see you there: https://bit.ly/2022OPENHOUSE - the public is welcome & parents can always drop money off early to avoid the lines!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
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Open House Yearbook Sale! Check out yearbookforever.com --> search Deshler Public Type in the code & secure your yearbook for the 22-23 school year. Code is only good for online sales. Go Dragons!
over 2 years ago, Dragon Yearbook
Yearbook Sale
Only six more days to get your DRAGON GEAR! Online ordering is your only option, and it is available at: bit.ly/GODRAGONS! Help us out & place your order today! GO DRAGONS!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
2022 Dragon Yearbooks are in! Stop by tomorrow night at Open House to pick up your yearbook. Go Dragons!
over 2 years ago, Dragon Yearbook
REMINDER: School pix are on Aug 30th (Gr 7-12 & Staff) & 31st (Gr PreK-6). Checks should be made out to Brooke Bauer Photography & should accompany your child's picture order form. Envelopes will be available for this at the Open House on 8/16: https://bit.ly/2022OPENHOUSE.
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Picture Order Form
JRS/SRS: Reminder to complete the application for the Lunzmann Memorial Scholarship by 8/15 at 8 AM if interested:  https://bit.ly/LunzmannScholarship.
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
7-12 will have WEEKLY assignments in career interest areas. Jrs/srs will be taking a 1-credit career class that is graded. JH XC practice will start on THU, 8/18 after school. JH FB/VB practices will begin on MON, 8/22 at 7:30 AM. PHYSICALS ARE REQUIRED TO PRACTICE!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Good work to the marching band, flags and majorette in tonight’s HOT fair parade! And a big thank you to Avery Eitzmann, who was the real MVP for getting this bunch ready, and Jana Finke for helping with flags! We hope everyone comes and checks out the fair!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
2022-2023 Registration Forms are open! Thank you to all who have already submitted for the upcoming school year. Forms are found in PowerSchool, under Forms, General Forms. Contact Sarah Baden at sarah.baden@deshlerdragons.org with any questions.
over 2 years ago, Sarah Baden
Student Forms
8-12 BAND/FLAGS: Meet at the school at 5 PM to get dressed, practice quick & be ready for the 6 PM parade. Bring your school paperwork & checks with you if you want to avoid the line at Open House: https://bit.ly/2022OPENHOUSE. CLOTHING ORDERS due 8/22 at bit.ly/GODRAGONS
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Thank you to the generous donations from DPS Sports Boosters, Spring Creek Model Trains, Reinkes, Midwest Bank, C & M, FCA and Brodstone Healthcare, the BB team has ordered the Dr. Dish Shooting Machine & STRIV is preparing your commercials to play during our streamed events!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
The votes have been counted & the 2023 Music Trip will be to NASHVILLE! The group will travel on May 25th/29th; the dates between include: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S2yBxV9j9HjM0oL6H7ijU8aepbzOjS4olui7tGskaSw/edit. Payment plans & fundraising will continue this fall!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley