JRS/SRS: Ready to order your dual credit textbooks? Log into the SCC Hub, locate your class/section, & order the books right from the bookstore (or another online site). DO NOT ORDER YOUR ENGLISH/MATH/HISTORY BOOKS: https://www.sccbookstore.com/lincoln/textbook/index/search/
We have some who have already dropped off paperwork & money (thank you!) to avoid the lines at Open House & others who will be gone on that night. Just a reminder, you CAN drop this off EARLY if you wish! Print from here or pick up @ the school: https://bit.ly/2022OPENHOUSE.
If you are a parent/guardian of a DPS student, make sure to OPT IN to our text message notifications by following the directions on our website at: https://www.deshlerpublicschools.org/page/opt-in, if you haven't already done this!
Print off your paperwork early & fill it in BEFORE the Open House...or copies will be available on site as well. What to bring? 3 checks per family for lunch, activities & computer insurance & your debit/credit card if ordering a yearbook. https://bit.ly/2022OPENHOUSE
ATTN: HS MUSIC STUDENTS...You should have received a voting form for the upcoming DPS Music Trip (Summer 2023). If you did not receive the voting form, please contact Mrs. Epley! Or if you are not currently in a band/choir class & wish to be, please contact her. Due by Mon, 8/8!
Thank you to Todd Voss for organizing the Deshler Community Prayer Walk on Wednesday — and thank you to these FCA future/current members for coming out and walking/praying for a great start to the year!
Don’t forget to order your FCA shirt before 8/22 — bit.ly/FCABETHELIGHT.
Marching band practice is complete for the Thayer Co Fair Parade! Students should meet at the school at 5 pm on August 10th to prepare for the parade. A big thanks to Avery Eitzmann, Laura Tuma, and Jana Finke for all of their help — it is appreciated! GO DRAGONS! 💜💛💜
Interested in being a sub at DPS for $130/day?
Here is the class you need - https://www.facebook.com/100063718382944/posts/pfbid02DXTSMrKXFpMf1nUx48AZTMoLFvkiRn2CQ3a9Q1QT5BPDEYLQZwsUvWKf2M7WyfQxl/?d=n AND
approval from NDE and DPS! It really is a great place to sub!
DPS 2023 Yearbook Info
Who: Includes students in grades 7-12
When: Arrives mid-August (2022 book)
What: Events from August 2022 - May 2023
** Seniors/senior parents/guardians: Please wait to order until your class meeting. **
Order a 2023 yearbook ONLINE today!
Paper/check orders will begin on August 18, 2022.
New Student Registration tomorrow! Please spread the word to families new to DPS or Deshler!
2023 Yearbooks are on sale ONLINE right now! (yearbookforever.com, search Deshler Public)
A special price will be available ONLINE ONLY on August 16 - Open House day.
Yearbooks will NOT be sold in person during Open House night.
Check back here for information on when the 2022 yearbooks will be in/handed out. Go Dragons!
REMINDER: High school marching band practice on Wed/Thu/Fri of this week at 8 AM. Meet in the band room early to locate your instrument. Deshler Community Prayer Walk at 7:30 PM on Wed - meet at the flagpole on the fairgrounds.
Get your Dragon apparel NOW for the 22-23 school year! Orders taken through Aug. 22nd - proceeds to go towards our school activities. https://bit.ly/GODRAGONS - ALL ORDERS ARE DONE ONLINE! GO DRAGONS!
DESHLER FFA and RUSKIN community! The cow pie bingo grid will be at C&M Supply in Ruskin this week! See Luke for questions or send supporters in to purchase some bingo squares!!
The DPS quarterly newsletter begins TOMORROW, Aug 1st. REMINDER: If you have a family member that you believe would like to receive this, please sign them up here: https://bit.ly/DPSNEWSLETTERSIGNUP. It will be sent to all PreK-12th grade students in our PowerSchool system.
REMINDER: Any parent whose child is planning to attend the HS music trip in the summer of 2023 is reminded that we are meeting tonight at 7 PM in the HS library. If you can't make the meeting & your child plans to go, please email the school at dana.epley@deshlerdragons.org.
Fall sports' conditioning begins on MON., AUG. 1ST. Our 7-12 student athletes/parents should review the letter here to know what to expect: https://bit.ly/DPSSPORTS. REMINDER: NSAA Sports Physicals and Consent Forms are a requirement to begin practice on Aug. 8th. GO DRAGONS!
UPDATE: The Deshler Community Prayer Walk on Aug 3rd is at 7:30 PM (not AM!). The public is invited to meet us at the fairground flagpole to start the school year out right! FCA encourages you to attend & if interested, order a shirt from us at: https://bit.ly/FCABETHELIGHT.
Free and reduced lunch forms AND the information on student insurance can be found on the school website under the MENU tab --> click on DOCUMENTS --> and then on 2022-23, or you can follow the link here: https://www.deshlerpublicschools.org/documents/2022-2023/351437.
Add your name to our substitute teacher list today! It is as simple as applying through NDE (approx $55), sending transcripts, and if needed, taking a Human Relations course online! Pay is $130 per day, and approval through the board is needed...AND it is a great place to work!