Add your name to our substitute teacher list today! It is as simple as applying through NDE (approx $55), sending transcripts, and if needed, taking a Human Relations course online! Pay is $130 per day, and approval through the board is needed...AND it is a great place to work!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
substitute teachers
DESHLER FFA - The cow pie bingo grid will be at the Nutrien Ag in Deshler this week! See Heather or send supporters her way to purchase some bingo squares!!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
MUSIC TRIP PARENTS MTG in the school library at 7 PM on Thu, 7/28. If you are not able to attend, please let us know if your HS music student is interested in going on the Disney trip: May 25th-29th, 2023. The # of students going will determine the pricing!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Reminder: We need your STRIV ads NOW if you or your business would like to be promoted during the streaming of our home events! Pool your money with a friend, recognize your senior athlete(s) or donate as a us to promote our school and student athletes!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Dr Dish Fundraiser
The Nebraska Educational Savings Trust (NEST) is a “529 Plan” that offers tax benefits for parents and others who invest money toward a child's college education. Read more here:
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Nest 529
The deadline is FAST approaching for the Sep 10th ACT Test...register by Aug 5th at NOTE: Jrs/Srs taking dual credit, if you qualify for the ACE Scholarship, it will cover SIX classes this year!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
ACT Test Registration dates
Need the School Supply List, School Calendar, etc? It is all on the school website under DOCUMENTS 22-23. All 7-12 will need headphones on the 1st day for FAST training - don't forget those when you're shopping!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
School Supply Pg 1
School Supply Pg 2
QR Code
Change in time for PreK meetings on Aug. 16...5 PM for AM classes; 5:30 PM for PM classes. You will be receiving a letter in the mail soon with the flier, school supply list & Free/Reduced Lunch Meal App - the ACE scholarship opens 8/1 for jrs/srs!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Open House
The DPS OPEN HOUSE is less than a month away! The public is invited to come and see the improvements we have made to our DPS building in the Summer of 2022...and we hope that all of our incoming students & their families can make it to this event!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
DESHLER FFA - The cow pie bingo grid will be at the Deshler City office this week! See Julie or send supporters her way to purchase some bingo squares!!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Join our DESHLER AG ED Facebook page and stay in the loop with all our FFA chapter is doing! Currently, we are looking for FFA jacket donations at
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Lots of updates being made at Deshler Public Schools this summer…We are excited to show off the changes at our Open House on August 16th!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
locker rooms
Deshler FFA Alumni’s 2nd Cow Pie Bingo begins TODAY! On Aug 12 at fair, the cow will “drop a pie” & determine the $1,000 winner — with other prizes available! The “grid” will be at local businesses until then - this wk at Midwest Bank - or buy a random # from any FFA Alumni!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
cow pie 1
cow pie 2
Just a reminder youth soccer sign up sheets are due tomorrow (Tuesday, July 12th). Turn these in at Midwest Bank or contact one of the Rec Board members with any questions. Forms available at the bank if you need one!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
Aug 3/4/5 at 8 AM: HS band members will be practicing for the Thayer Co Fair Parade. Please mark your calendars & make sure you're ready to march (wear something comfortable!). Parade is on Aug. 10th at 6 PM; lineup ready by 5:30 PM. JH will not be marching this year!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
parade info
parade entry form
One final reminder...interested in Driver's Education at DPS? This will be held July 11th - 15th, and you will need to submit payment to hold your spot. Read more here at:
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
drivers education
ATTN GIRLS ENTERING GRADES 1 - 8: The deadline to sign up for the Deshler Dragons Girls BB Skills Camp is approaching! Camp will be held July 6th - 8th. Gr 1-4 from 9 - 10:15 AM; Gr 5-8 from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM. Sign up here:
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
gbb camp
Congratulations to Abbi Tuma for being selected as an All-American cheerleader at UCA Cheer Camp this week! Her hard work paid off in an amazing audition! Way to go Abbi!
over 2 years ago, Jami O'Neal
The 22-23 DHS Cheer Squad spent 3 days this week learning new techniques, new cheers, making new friends, and even had some fun in the process!
over 2 years ago, Jami O'Neal
Trophy time!
22-23 Cheer Squad
Team Charades
Stunt practice
HOW DO CREDITS TRANSFER? 1)Look up your 2-yr or 4-yr college of choice AND course of study to see course requirements. 2)See what credits would transfer using the SCC course transfer equivalency chart at: ..Or ask your principal or counselor for help!
over 2 years ago, Dana Epley
transfer credits