The Thayer Co. Economic Development Alliance is working with local schools to form school/business partnerships. If you are an individual/business owner interested in sharing your business with students, please complete the form linked here:
Cow pie bingo Thursday night - only 49 spots left! Don’t miss your chance - stop by Midwest Bank today or the Farm Bureau booth tonight at the Activity Center to purchase a spot! Deshler FFA thanks you all for the amazing support!
ATTN: JR/SR STUDENT ATHLETES...Sports poster pictures will be taken on the night of Open House (8/17) by Blue Skies Photography from 6-7 PM. You will need ALL JERSEYS/UNIFORMS for the YEAR for pictures on this night! This means some of you will have multiple pictures taken!
7-12 Students! Remind your parents to complete Enrollment forms for the 2021-2022 School year! 7-12 Students with all forms completed get to take their computer home from the Open House!
Nebraska Ortho will begin their sports-related visits to Deshler on MONDAYS (starting 8/16/21) & Saturday clinics on 8/21/21.
Scan the code and follow us online on all of our social media channels! If you haven't downloaded the app Deshler Public Schools from the App Store, do it today & turn the notifications in your settings to ON to receive updates.
Deshler volleyball apparel is here! Click on the link provided to buy some gear for the upcoming season.
ACT TESTING. All jrs will take the ACT test in the Spring of 2022 & will be registered through the school. Students can take the 9/11 ACT on their own to raise their score or "superscore" for college/scholarships. If you choose to take it, TODAY is the deadline:
From DPS: Save the Date! Open House: August 17th, 5 to 7
Welcome back! We are looking forward to seeing all of our PreK-HS students & families at our open house on Aug 17th, 5 - 7 PM. Burgers & brats will be served. Please sign your paperwork DIGITALLY via the email you received from the school:
Congratulations to our students who completed driver's education classes! Your permit waiver is in the office for you to pick up so that you can apply for your permit online!
Please join us for the Preschool Open House! We hope to see you there!
Deshler FCA taking on Lawrence/Nelson FCA in dodgeball & hosting a meal on Sat., Aug. 21st at 5 PM at the Deshler softball field. Any HS student interested in joining FCA is encouraged to join FCA at our open house on Aug. 17th & attend this event (please bring 1 bag of chips)!
Happening Tomorrow!!! Please share if you know anyone needing to register for the upcoming school year!
REMINDER: Thayer County Thunder Football practice STARTS TONIGHT IN DESHLER from 5:45 - 7:30 PM. Contact Jason Degenhardt for additional information: Practice will be held on the night of the open house, August 17th.
The deadline to take the Sept 11th ACT test is Aug 6th at an off-site testing center. It is the responsibility of the student to register! You can register at
Get your FFA cow pie bingo ticket today from Midwest Bank for the COW PIE BINGO on Thu., Aug. 12th at the Thayer County Fair...starting at 7 PM! You can also join as an FFA Alumni member ($30/person or $50/couple).
Submit your name for the local scholarship fund set up at Midwest Bank & earn the chance to win a $100 dual credit voucher! There is a booth at the bank & we will have one set up at open house, or you can stop by the school & submit your name as well!
Parents & Students: This is a reminder to order your DUAL CREDIT textbooks if you haven't already! DPS will order all MATH and ENGLISH dual credit textbooks; students are responsible for ordering books for all other classes. Read more at:
The 2021-22 welcome back letter for jr. - sr. high school families can be found here:
See you at the open house on August 17th!