Today's 1 PM out means no 7th prd held & no practices after school. Today's NHS mtg is moved to tomorrow during Home Rm. JH lunch at 11:30 today; HS lunch at 12:30. No practices to be held after school. Date sign up for Fri is due TODAY! No boys JV on Fri!
ATTENTION: From DPS: 1:00 Dismissal today, no PM PreSchool
The Lady Dragons are up against Doniphan Trumbull on the road at halftime, 25-23. Watch the games live at
Kindergarten students are learning about characters, setting, and plot by using a story map as they watch "The Gingerbread Man".
Another group of bingo winners! The prizes are dwindling down and when they are gone, they are GONE! Thanks to everyone participating in the elf hunt and bingo!
Due to low numbers, Franklin will be unable to play a boys JV game on Friday. Here is the updated schedule: 4:30-JV girls (3 quarters), followed by a 15-min break. At approximately 6 PM, we will start girls' varsity warm-up, boys varsity to follow.
55 Free Fridays!
Those age 55 and over get in free to our regular season Friday events! We hope to see you Dec. 17th!
Yearbook CORRECTION: Yearbooks are currently $40 and will go up to $45 after the break. Name stamps are $8. Sorry for the confusion!
Yearbooks are on sale for a discounted price of $45 until Friday, December 17th. Name stamps are $8. Prices will increase after the break to $45. Purchase a yearbook at --> search for Deshler Public School. Or, bring in a check to Mrs. Moeller. Go Dragons!
Bingo prizes for staff and students are being handed out until the prizes are gone! Good work to these students on earning a bingo today!
Students who need a textbook for their dual credit classes through SCC 2nd semester should order them before they go on break! Log into your SCC account, find your class name/section, & add it to the bookstore here:
First student bingo winner: Paiton Nash! Paiton chose a medium pizza from the C Stop donated by C and M as her prize. Good work on the elf hunt, Paiton!
Both the boys and the girls JV games will be at 4:30 PM tomorrow (Tue., 12/14) in Doniphan. There may not be 4 full quarters played in the JV games. Varsity games are at 6 and 7:30 PM & students dismissed at 2 PM. Go Dragons!
STUDENTS TAKING COLLEGE CREDITS: Whether your child is still in high school or they are in college, if they are taking college credits, you may want to have them log into their college account & download their 1098T form for education credits on your tax return!
Just a reminder! Little Miss Cheer forms are due FRIDAY the 17th! Forms can be dropped off at school. Thank you!
Students interested in ag/mechanics, please see Mrs. Unruh for more information on the John Deere Ag Technician Jump Start Scholarship (tuition reimbursement, bonuses & more) before WED., DEC. 15TH. More info can be found on the last page of the daily announcements at: or check your student email!
Our Communications class (new class this year under Mrs. Moeller) will be featuring a "SENIOR OF THE WEEK" from now until your first senior...Kylie Kirkland! Kylie is a great student, and will undoubtedly be a great art teacher as well. Congrats, Kylie!
Watch our high school wrestlers LIVE today at Meridian (Holden M @ 106 & Cole R @ 113 wearing Superior uniforms) at and our BB teams tonight at home at GO DRAGONS!
Thank you to Schardt Cattle Co for the season-long pledge for BLOCKED SHOTS! Pledges are due BEFORE the varsity games each night or before 3 PM today for the season! Forms will be located at the entrance where you can sign up OR sign up online:
FINALS WEEK & CHANGES: Game times for Parents Nt tonight MOVED UP (no girls JV); JH GBB @ Red Cloud on Mon @ 4 PM (not 6:30 PM); busses leave early on Tue (last regular day of classes); JH BBB practice times for Wed-Fri have changed. Read more at: